watare - Philippines - Gay Dating Site For Men
- Last seen a long time ago
- Gender:
- Man
- Location:
- Philippines
- Appearance
- Height:
- 5' 6"
- Eyes:
- Brown
- Hair:
- Black
- Ethnicity:
- Asian
- Lifestyle
- Smoking:
- No
- Professional life
- Education:
- Some college
- Employment status:
- Part-time
- Occupation:
- Education / Academic research
- Personal
- Interests:
- Playing sports, Playing music, Cooking, Travel, Theater, Reading, Listening to music, Movies, Dining, Arts
- Looking for:
An OrDiNaRy PeRsOn wHo Is EnTiTled FaIluReS iN LiFe, I hAtE tO bE CoMpArEd tO oThErS, I Am ApPrOaChAbLe, BrAtLy BuT CoMpAsSiOnAtE, SwEeT, AnD NiCe. God FeArInG...